Here’s cheers to two great years

Here’s cheers to two great years

By Nick Hose

I’m reflecting tonight on an amazing two years since the grand opening of our state of the art gym in Brooke Street.

It has been, and continues to be, a lot of hard work but I’m proud that we’ve been able to work with so many people and contribute in a variety of ways to their health and wellbeing.

It has also been a lot of fun for me to work with great people to make sure our facilities and services continue to evolve and meet expectations. Our qualified personal trainers and support team are the best and I’m incredibly grateful to work with them everyday.

There has been a lot of family, friends and local businesses working behind the scenes with me to make sure Nick Hose Fitness is here for many, many years to come.

I’m proud of what a massive asset our gym has become for all our towns and that we’ve focused on making sure people of all ages and abilities feel welcome here.

I would like to thank everyone who has supported us. From our young KidsFit legends who come in after school, through to our Masters Class participants who continue to amaze me with their dedication to their health and fitness later in life.

We’ve worked with so many people who weren’t happy with their weight, we’ve worked with elite athletes striving for that edge to fulfill their competitive goals – we’ve even hosted a shearers group who came together to build up their fitness before a big season in the wool shed.

A real highlight has been working with Cooinda, Lawrence Street, our schools and health agencies to become a part of a much bigger picture to foster holistic health in our region.

The diversity of people who have benefited from Nick Hose Fitness has been great and I look forward to continuing to adapt to the ever-growing needs of our communities.

The support we’ve received in these first two years has also allowed us to give back to our community, through sponsorships to football, netball, cricket, bowls, basketball and more.

So, thanks again everyone for all your support over the past two years. This anniversary has been a nice reason to reflect, but we’re always looking forward to make sure our facilities, services and trainers are second to none.

If we can help you in any way, or if you have an idea that we can assist with, please don’t hesitate to call me on 5593 3229 or email 

2 Brooke Street, Camperdown VIC, 3260
03 5593 3229
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