Have you ever wanted to learn how to box like a professional fighter? Does traditional cardio exercise sound like too much huff and puff? Well, the newest group class at Nick Hose Fitness might be just what you are looking for.
From this coming Tuesday (Nov 21), fighter Darryl Mayman will be taking a boxing class at Nick Hose Fitness.
Gym owner and personal trainer, Nick Hose said the class was starkly different from the previous ‘Boxfit’ style boxing sessions held at the gym, which were aimed more at fitness.
“Darryl’s new class will focus more on learning how to punch, defend, move and fight like you would in a real bout,” he said.
“Of course, it will still be great for general all-over body fitness, but Darryl will teach technique, discipline and control as well – as if you were preparing for a fight.
“This kind of class is great because it distracts you from the huff and puff of traditional exercise, but still helps you become fitter and faster.”
Darryl said he took up boxing a few years ago to lose some weight and help give him focus through some personal struggles in life.
“For me, boxing really helps me focus on myself and my body. I enjoy the discipline and the technique required to be a good boxer and I’m looking forward to sharing that with people in the class,” he said.
“There’ll be lots of bag work, skipping and working with the pads – just like you were in training for a fight.”
Darryl spent time training with well-known boxer Christian Ennor and through that relationship met and worked with decorated fighter Sam Soliman.
He’s spent several years training fighters and said boxing appealed to lots of people.
“From kids to adults, people of all shapes and sizes and from complete novices who have never put gloves on before to established fighters – this class is for everyone,” he said.
“Boxing is a different sort of fitness. It’s an all-over body workout and helps you develop great hand-eye coordination, quick hands and control.”
The boxing class will be held from 6.45pm-7.45pm every Tuesday night.